Register For Money Coaching Circle

Join the most powerful and transformative process to transform your financial wellbeing and create more abundance, happiness, and freedom. 

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ATTENTION: Are money problems keeping you up at night?

"Finally! Your Financial Wellbeing Begins Today With Money Coaching."

Join Us In This Powerful and Transformative Process to create more abundance, happiness, freedom and peace of mind.

The human body can only handle a limited amount of stress, beyond which, can make it hard for you to function normally.

While it is reasonable to experience some level of stress, when it becomes chronic, it can leave you feeling anxious, depressed, and with an inability to focus in your every day life.

Unfortunately, if you have a cluttered mind, these symptoms can only be exacerbated and can cause a huge impact on your financial wellbeing.
Just imagine what life will be like when your money blocks are cleared, your money script is aligned with exactly what you want to achieve.

No more sleepless nights. No more shame, sadness and guilt. No more fear of not having enough money. No more guilt of having money. No more awkward money conversation with you partner or family members.

Imagine how you'll feel when you're free from these money worries! At last you'll be able to enjoy your financial peace, spend quality time with the children without having to tighten the belt . Finally you'll be able to start enjoying your life again...
You can't afford to NOT join one of our Money Coaching Circle today. Just imagine what would happen if you lost your job today. How would you pay for your mortgage? How would you put food on the table? How would you take care of your children? How would your financial wellbeing be impacted?

And most importantly, what kind of role model are you being for your children, because your children will learn from your successes and mistakes, and will have the same successes and make the same mistakes you did.
Money Coaching Boost My Confidence! Dorothia F.

"The concept of money coaching was very new to me and came at a time where I was really in need of some support and guidance. Looking at my money history was an eye opening for what was happening in my present life. It gave me insight into my money beliefs and patterns, and where they orignated. The one thing that I really enjoy, was finding out about the different money archetypes that was controlling my money decisions. Once I got rid of my limiting beliefs and money blocks a shift happen in my life. New opportunities and abundance started showing up for me in my life.

Letting go of my money blocks help me become empowered Katie Lindsay

I joined Prisca's Money Coaching Program because I had lots of blockages around money in my business, I was self-sabotaging myself on an unconscious level and I wanted to find a way to clear these blockages and get a clear direction for my next step. During our session, I became aware of the unconscious agreements, and the blockages about my past with money that was holding me back in my business that I needed to heal to be more empowered.

Money Coaching Was The Shift I needed! Lisa W.

On my 3rd session with Prisca, I really felt a shift in the way I see myself and the way I feel within myself. This means that I no longer felt tied to past issues and outdated stories that would constantly run in my mind. I now know that I am a strong and confident women with real value to offer the world. If I'm feeling this amazing after our 3rd session, I can't wait for our 4th session.

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